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Designed for 2D artists,
powered by 3D real-time technology.

Xencelabs and Praxinos have in common their love for graphic artists and art; this is why they are collaborating to provide the greatest efficiency to 2D animators. Praxions main software Odyssey takes advantage of Xencelabs pen technology devices and their ability to feel as close to drawing on paper for a seamless animation experience.

Praxinos is a French cooperative company founded in late 2018, made of skilled members united under one banner: their passion for animation and for making great tools to contribute to its artistic enhancement. Thanks to the support of Epic Games, they were able to develop free plugins for Unreal Engine, before releasing the 2D animation software Odyssey.

Free your creativity with

Designed for 2D animators, Odyssey is based on the most powerful real-time 3D technology on the market: Unreal Engine. Odyssey is the perfect tool for ambitious productions that want to create high-quality animations mixing 2D & 3D.

ODYSSEY demo reel

Use traditional tools while embracing modern workflows

Odyssey is an all-in-one toolbox designed for hybrid animation products.

Be versatile or split tasks between artists and technicians

Odyssey can adapt all types of workflows that mix 2D and 3D together.

From storyboard to layout

Odyssey includes all the tools you need for efficient pre-production



A minimalist design style that emphasizes comfort and functionality while also offering a smoother workflow and a genuine drawing experience. The Pen Displays are meticulously crafted with the feedback of professionals from across the creative industries and provides the accuracy and dependability that artists have come to rely on.


Designed with the input of industry leading artists, our Pen Tablets deliver the precision and reliability that the creative professional needs: a minimal design that prioritizes comfort and functionality with features for faster workflows, and a great drawing experience.

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