Release Notes

Linux driver version

1. New Features
a. The following new features were implemented in this release of the driver.
New Feature Summary
All Products
  • Driver now runs natively on M1/M2 Macintosh platforms
Pen Display
  • Support all operating system display orientations
  • The Pen Display 24 virtual control box now has the same aspect ratio as the targeted display
Pen Tablet
  • None
Quick Keys
  • Added default shortcuts for Rebelle 6
2. Defect Fixes
a. The following defects were the main defects reported by customers and were fixed in this release of the driver.
Defect Summary
Pen Display
  • None
Pen Tablet
  • None
Quick Keys
  • None
3. Known Issues
a. The following are known issues in the driver and workaround if one exists.
Known Issue Summary and Workaround (if one exists)
Pen Display
  • None
Pen Tablet
  • None
Quick Keys
  • None